Friday, January 27, 2012

Nak, Ibu sayang padamu

Anakku...bagaimana harimu?
Adakah kau bahagia hari ini?

Ibu begitu merindukanmu, Nak...
Ibu merindukan tawamu...
Ibu merindukan tangismu...
Ibu merindukan saat-saat bersamamu...

Sembilan bulan engkau berada dalam kandungan ibu...
ibu mengerti sedihmu...
ibu memahami bahagiamu...
setiap hari, tanpa lelah dan tanpa mengeluh,  ibu berusaha memenuhi semua keinginanmu...

jangan pernah lupakan ibu, Nak...
meski ibu tak dapat berada di sisimu lagi...
meski ibu tak mampu mendampingimu lagi, ibu tetap menyayangi dan mencintaimu...
cinta ibu untukmu takkan pernah berkurang,
meski kita terpaut oleh jarak, meski kita terpisah oleh ruang, ibu akan tetap mencintaimu...

hentikan tangisanmu, Nak...
tak mampu ibu melihatmu menangis...
tak sanggup ibu menyaksikanmu berurai air mata...
ingin rasanya ibu berada di sisimu untuk menghapus tetesan-tetesan kesedihan dari matamu yang dulu selalu berbinar...

Ibu masih ingat bagaimana saat pertama kali mengantarmu ke sekolah...
kau pakai seragam barumu dengan bangga,
kau berjalan menggandeng tangan ibu dengan penuh semangat,
Senyummu adalah pelipur lara ibu...
tawamu adalah sumber kebahagiaan ibu...

Dimanapun engkau, seperti apapun rentang jarak dan ruang memisahkan kita,
mata indahmu akan selalu ibu ingat...
senyum nakalmu akan selalu terbayang dalam benak ibu...
canda tawamu akan menjadi kenangan tak terlupakan di hati ibu...

Jangan menangis, anakku...
karena takkan putus cinta ibu untukmu...
takkan lapuk kasih ibu padamu...

Jangan bersedih, Nak...
Seandainya Tuhan memberi ibu satu hari lagi, takkan ibu biarkan kau jauh dari pandangan...
Seandainya Tuhan memberi ibu satu jam lagi, hanya tawamu yang ingin ibu dengar...hanya senyummu yang ingin ibu lihat...
Seandainya Tuhan memberi ibu satu menit lagi, ibu akan berikan pelukan terhangat untukmu...hingga takkan hilang kehangatan itu, meski tak ada lagi ibu di sisimu...
dan jika Tuhan hanya memberi ibu satu detik lagi, maka biarkan ibu menghapus air matamu, Nak...
Biarkan ibu jauhkan kesedihan darimu...
karena hanya bahagiamu yang ingin ibu lihat...

Tapi tak ada satu hari itu, tak ada satu jam tambahan itu, tak ada semenit dan sedetik itu...Hingga kini ibu hanya mampu menatapmu menangisi jasad ibu yang terkulai lemah di hadapanmu...
Jasad yang kini hanya bernilai seonggok daging dan tulang-belulang, yang tak mampu lagi menemanimu...
Selamat tinggal, Anakku...
Nak, Ibu sayang padamu...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

How  to Promote International Level of Schooling if I were Agency Head of Education

By Anniltal Manzilah
09301241028 (P. Matematika Subsidi 2009)

If I were Agency Head of Education, I will promote International level of schooling by make any changes to increase the school quality so that the International level schools in Indonesia such as :
1.      Improve the curriculum
Curriculum is the main part of education. So, if we want to increase the schhol quality, we must develop and make some changes in the curriculum. Because curriculum is so important in teaching-learning activities. In our country, implementation of the curriculum is not as good as the curriculum yet. At this moment, our curriculum is called KTSP. KTSP is a curriculum that more specific than the before ones. The curriculums before KTSP is generalize every school in every province, so that they have just little chance to develop their culture and their natural sources in education aspect. Also, in KTSP, the students must be an active learner, because the teachers i only  facilitator, so that they only have to facilitate and motivate the students to be more active, to be more competitive. Beside implement KTSP optimally, we also should adapt curriculums from the other countries, such as United States of America, Japan, Singapore, etc. And to be underlined, if we adapt other country’s curriculum, we have to sort, not only adapt and implement. We have to sort the other country’s curriculum and take just the right and good values. Before, we employ other country’s curriculu, we also have to compare and set the curriculum so that it’s match with our cultures and traditions.
We need a curriculum that can make the students more active, make the teachers more creative, maximize the useful of school and teaching-learning facilities, etc.  If we have changed or improved the curriculum, we must implement it well in teaching-learning process. To do this step, we need good attitude persons. People with good attitude will make the curriculum to be perfect with the maximal implementation.
2.      Complete school facilities
Beside we have to improve the curriculum, we also have to complete the school with the good quality of facilities. School with good and complete facilities will be able to support well the teaching-learning process. The facilities that should be there is divide to some parts, those are the facilities to make the students feel comfort in learning process, teaching-learning aids, and school facilities.
Facilities that be able to make the students feel comfort in learning activities is like a fan or air-conditioner, a comfort class, a good design of the seats, cleaning utilities, etc. we have to make the class as comfort as we can. Because a succeed teaching-learning process is also depend on the class facilities.
Teaching-learning aid is the aids that we can use in teaching a lesson. Teaching-learning aids will make the students easier in understanding the lessons. For example, if we want to teach the students about geometry, we can use a useless-box as a model of cube and pipe as a model of tube.
School facilities is also should be completed to support the students to study well. The school facilities is like school yard, laboratory, a good design of library, etc.
So, if I were agency head of education, I will give an enough fund so that every interntional school is able to compete with the other interntional school in other countries.
3.      Develop teachers quality
Teachers is a key of teaching-learning process. So, to increase the quality of International level of schooling, we must develop and increase the teachers quality. It’s not like make a test such sertifikasi. We must increase the teachers quality by treat and train them to be modern teachers, faclitators for the students. Teachers in International school have to know that they aren’t the main player in class, but the students. Teaching-learning process must be student-centered.  Teachers only need to give them hints and let them find the formulas by themselves.  Students need to built and construct their knowlwdge, because they are who need it in future. The purpose of teaching-learning activities is to make the students understand about the lessons and can implement it in daily life.
Sudents have to be active, because  the teachers is only facilitators. They won’t lecture the students, read and explain everytimes. The teachers only need to supervise and control the students in class, in the process of finding the formulas or in discussion in a small group.
The teachers is also have to employ various method to help the students in understanding the lessons. In our curriculum, there is written that students must be active in teaching-learning activities. But in the implementation, students only have to listen to the teachers. It’s not good because students won’t know the steps to get formulas, to find a value, etc. the teacher only a facilitator and the conclusion of learning activities is the student’s rights.